Strengthen Your Lower Back

You aim to optimize your workout benefits, right? You’re looking to keep up with your job responsibilities and family duties. You seek a fit body that would support you well into your golden years. Achieving all these greatly relies on having strong back muscles. However, there seems to be a problem: you’re suffering from lower back pain!

It’s been hurting for months, maybe even years. The pain keeps getting worse and worse no matter what you do when it comes time to work out or when you’re just sitting at home on the couch watching TV. So what can you do? What should you do? First off, don’t worry about any heavy lifting until we figure this thing out! Don’t worry about doing any lower back exercises whatsoever.

That’s right; we will focus instead on the following dynamic exercises, which will strengthen your back and improve flexibility, range of motion, and balance. These movements should help you get rid of that nagging pain once and for all! As a result, after completing these exercises and performing them once a day for two to three weeks, your lower back will be that strong and flexible.

Let’s dive right into these seven dynamic exercises that strengthen your lower back!

The Dead Bug

Strengthen Your Lower Back

You’re going to love this first exercise! It’s one of the best ones you can do if you want to feel a deep stretch in your lower back and glutes.

Lie with your back flat on the floor, with your arms and legs outstretched, so they’re parallel to the ground. Your head should also be in a position that makes it easy for you to look down at your toes. Slowly pull one knee into your chest, keeping the other one extended. As you do this, focus on keeping your lower back in a natural position and let it relax to get a deep stretch. Hold for five seconds before repeating with the other leg.

It is recommended that you work up to doing ten repetitions of this exercise each day to help strengthen your lower back and keep it flexible!

The Superman

Strengthen Your Lower Back

This dynamic exercise will increase your lower back’s flexibility, range of motion, and balance! Let’s get started!

Lie face-down with your arms outstretched above your head. Lift your left arm and right leg simultaneously so that they’re just off the ground. Hold this for five seconds before repeating it with the other side.

Do this for 30 seconds each day to increase your lower back’s flexibility, range of motion, and balance!

The Bicycle Crunch

Strengthen Your Lower Back

You’re already familiar with the bicycle crunch, but this time it involves dynamic exercises that strengthen your lower back. Lie on your back with both legs extended straight in front of you. Your arms should be outstretched, so they’re parallel to the ground. Just like you did with the first exercise, bring one knee into your chest while keeping the other leg extended. As you alternate, bringing each leg in, focus on contracting your core and feeling a stretch in your lower back. This dynamic exercise that strengthens your lower back is great because it improves both ranges of motion and balance!

Do this for 30 seconds every day to feel a good stretch in your lower back.

Standing Hamstring Stretch

Strengthen Your Lower Back

This exercise will strengthen your lower back and improve its flexibility, range of motion, and balance! What are you waiting for? Let’s get started! Stand with each foot about 12 inches away from the wall. Keep your back straight, and lean forward so that your hands are touching the wall. As stated earlier, you should feel a deep stretch in your lower back. Hold this position for 30 seconds before repeating it two more times for each leg!

Doing this exercise will help improve not only range of motion but also flexibility and balance!

Superman with Reach

Strengthen Your Lower Back

This dynamic exercise will strengthen your lower back and improve flexibility, range of motion, and balance! Let’s get started! You’ll need a resistance band or towel for this one. As you did before, lie on the ground with your arms outstretched above you, parallel to the ground. Lift your left arm and right leg simultaneously so that they are just off the ground. As you do this, pull the band to your left side, so it stretches across your body, reaching for your left arm/hand. Hold this position for five seconds before repeating with the other side.

Doing this exercise will help improve your lower back’s flexibility, range of motion, and balance! Excellent for strengthening your lower back!

Deep Squat with Twist

Strengthen Your Lower Back

This dynamic exercise will strengthen your lower back and improve its flexibility, range of motion, and balance! Let’s get started: Stand up straight and extend both arms in front of you. Slowly bend your legs and squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. As you do this, twist your upper body toward the right and hold for five seconds before repeating with the other side.

Doing this exercise will stretch and strengthen your lower back! It also helps improve flexibility as well as balance and range of motion!

Seated Twist

Strengthen Your Lower Back

This dynamic exercise will strengthen your lower back and improve flexibility, range of motion, and balance! Let’s get started: Sit up tall on the ground with your legs extended in front of you. Bend your left leg so that it is resting at a 90-degree angle.

As you do this, cross your right leg over your left by placing it on top of your left thigh/knee. Take a deep breath in and exhale as you twist at the waist, placing your right elbow to the outside of your left knee. Hold this position for 5 seconds before repeating on the other side!

Doing this exercise will strengthen your lower back and improve its flexibility, range of motion, and balance! All you need is a resistance band.


If you want to strengthen your lower back or improve its flexibility, range of motion, and balance, then this article is for you. We’ve provided seven dynamic exercises that will work with any fitness level, and we recommend doing them at least once a day. These exercises are perfect for those who have an active lifestyle but need relief from their aches and pains. Which one do you plan on incorporating into your daily routine? If all of these sound too difficult or time-consuming, don’t worry – there may be another solution.

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