How to Tie a Jiu Jitsu Belt

Learning how to tie a Jiu-Jitsu belt might appear challenging at first glance for a novice, but with a touch of practice, this ability can easily be acquired and mastered right from the start.

With regular martial arts, belts are tied in different ways and tend not to come undone but with Jiu-Jitsu there is grappling involved which can make both your BJJ gi and your belt come loose or completely undone, on a regular basis. 

You can choose from several options for tying your belt. It depends if you want it to stay tight, or if you don’t mind it loosening while taking part. It also depends on your style during the sport as well so there are a few different choices. 

Each choice comes with pros and cons and it’s really up to you which one you go for and which one suits your particular requirements. Let’s take a look at them: 

How to tie a Jiu Jitsu belt

The Basic Tying Method

This method is the most common way of tying a Jiu-Jitsu belt and while it is tight initially, it will come undone quite a lot. 

You find the center of your belt and place this at your belly button, passing both the ends of the belt behind you. The ends cross over at the back and then come around the front, where they must be equal length. 

You need to fold the right half, across the left half and then loop them under each belt layer, before looping the bottom section across the top to create a knot. 

The BJJ Tying Method

This version is the one used by competitive fighters and is a very tight knot that can be hard to undo afterward, but you know your belt won’t be coming undone while you are practicing your moves and skills. 

You need to follow the same process as the basic tying method until it comes to looping. So once you have both halves of your belt back around the front, you need to take the belt’s left side and cross it over the belt’s right side.

Then pull the left side underneath all the layers, so it comes out at the top. Take the right half of the belt and pass it under the first layer only, towards the left side. This action creates a loop that the end can pass through and then pull tight for a very secure knot. 

The Gracie Tying Method

This is quite an unusual method that is not seen very often nowadays and is very likely to come undone, unfortunately. Follow the same method of crossing the belt at the back and passing through to your front, but instead of looping, the ends of your belt are just tied together. 

Karate Tying Method

People who take part in karate use a different, unique way of tying their belts which is better than the basic form but not quite as tight as the BJJ method. 

For this version, hold an end of the belt at your hip, then take the other side of the belt around your back and then bring it to the front, crossing over the original end. You have one long piece at the front, which you then loop under all the layers. 

Learn to Tie Your Belt with Practice

These are just some of the more common methods for tying a Jiu-Jitsu belt and no doubt there are more out there but if you are unsure the best thing to do is to ask your instructor what kind of knots and tying methods you should be using. 

Whichever you choose, it will take practice to get it right so take some time tying it in front of the mirror at home so you can do it quickly and easily when you need to, rather than ending up embarrassed with knots that don’t work. 

When taking part in drills or sparring with a partner, the last thing you want is for your belt to come undone and hinder your progress, or for your belt to be so tight that you are finding it prevents you from moving as freely as you require. 

So choose your style of tying carefully and then practice how to do it in the mirror until you have got it down and can do it quickly and easily, as you don’t want to be fumbling around at the beginning of each lesson. 


With so many ways to tie your Jiu-Jitsu belt, it can seem confusing for a beginner but once you know your style you will soon find the right knot to suit your requirements and from then on it will become a natural and easy part of getting dressed up and ready to practice and enjoy your chosen hobby. 

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