Running in Ankle Weights

Jogging is an excellent activity for staying fit. Its low-impact nature makes it a gentler option for your joints compared to high impact cardio exercises like running on pavement or jumping rope. Moreover, the variety of locations you can jog in means you won’t run out of interesting spots when monotony sets in. However, the perks of jogging aren’t limited to physical health, it also enhances mental wellness.

Running can help clear out negative thoughts and increase energy levels. If only there were some way to make this enjoyable activity even more rewarding…

Running with ankle weights can be a great way to boost your cardio endurance and speed. It is also a good idea to use them for rehabilitation after an injury. Here are the pros and cons of running in ankle weights — what they can do for you, what they cannot do, and much more!

Running in Ankle Weights

The Pros

Ankle weights will increase the amount of weight your muscles must work against. This means you can use them to make even walking a little more difficult (though if this is your goal it’s best not to wear them on a windy day!).

Additional Resistance

Adding resistance to exercises like squats and lunges can help you build muscle faster. Using ankle weights for running will give your muscles a workout without over-taxing them, which might make you more likely to work out regularly and stick with it. Plus, they’re great for toning up those legs.

Running in Ankle Weights

More Calories Burned

If you’re trying to lose weight, ankle weights will increase the number of calories you burn while running. The more quickly you can burn up calories, the easier it is to lose weight (and keep it off). Even if your primary goal isn’t weight loss, increasing your calorie expenditure means that exercising, in general, becomes even more effective for losing weight.

Makes Cardio Workouts More Effective

Ankle weights will increase your heart rate, which makes your cardio workouts more effective. When running with ankle weights, try to go at the same speed you would without them – be sure to pick up the pace a little bit!

If you’re training for a race or trying to improve your times, wearing ankle weights during your run will make it harder for you to cover the same distance as you would without them. This forces your body to adapt, which means better results in less time.

You may also like to try: Running with Weights

Running in Ankle Weights

Improved Coordination and Balance

Ankle weights can help improve coordination and balance. Your muscles will become more finely tuned to the movement of your legs, making them stronger and more flexible. Plus, you’ll be less likely to injure yourself.

The Cons

Wearing ankle weights for an extended period of time or during high-intensity exercise can damage your muscles and joints. Even if you work out with them regularly, using them occasionally as a challenging workout is better for your body than wearing them every day.

More Effort When Running

Using ankle weights may be more difficult than simply running without them. It takes a bit of effort to get used to the added weight, and it can feel strange for a while if you’re used to running without them or with less weight. For this reason, it’s a good idea to avoid using ankle weights when you’re going somewhere where there isn’t a place to stop and readjust your ankle weights or to take them off for a few minutes.

For running, it’s best to use weights that are proportionate to your body size-and no more than five pounds total. Any more than this and you’re likely to feel the added weight in your joints, making exercise less enjoyable or even painful. If you want to increase the difficulty of a workout, try adding weight for a few minutes before taking it off to cool down.

You may also try some Ankle Weight Exercises

Running in Ankle Weights

Using weights designed for specific body parts (like wrist weights) can negatively impact your running form since they aren’t always proportionate to your body size. Wearing them on one side only can also cause imbalances in muscle power and flexibility if you’re not careful.

When using weights, the back of your body is just as important as the front! Before adding weight to any exercise routine, a good rule of thumb is to first check that your form looks correct (this means checking in a mirror or having someone watch you), and then make sure you warm up properly. Lifting weights without warming up can cause injuries, so always take the time to stretch before you start.

Running in Ankle Weights

Cannot be Worn for an Extended Period

Ankle weights should only be worn for short periods while running-no more than 30 minutes at a time. This will help prevent injury and make sure you get the most out of your workout without overworking your leg muscles. Remember that if running with ankle weights is challenging at first, your muscles and joints will adapt with practice.

May Cause Injury

Ankle weights can also cause an uneven gait, leading to injuries like the runner’s knee and sprained ankles.

Makes You Slower

They will also make you run slower. Because the weights move with every step you take, they require extra work from your muscles to maintain your pace. This means that if you wear ankle weights while running up a hill, the benefits will be even more significant than if you were to wear them on a flat surface.

Running in Ankle Weights

The verdict?

If you are looking to have fun while boosting your endurance and speed, running with ankle weights is just what you need. But keep in mind that their benefits will be limited by how much they slow you down. Also, use them only as a supplement to your regular routine. If you already have a good fitness plan in place, chances are wearing ankle weights will not make a big difference in how you look and feel.

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