CrossFit Weight Lifting Programs

If you are not familiar with CrossFit, it’s a vigorous exercise program that can significantly increase muscle size, improve metabolic functionality, and augment overall well-being. However, if you are a beginner to this type of workout, knowing where to start may pose as a challenge. Given the wide range of weightlifting programs available, it’s beneficial to invest some time in finding the one that best suits your requirements!

Let’s break down what this specific workout entails to make it easier for you to choose a weightlifting program. Here are some of the essential exercises that you can expect to see:

Olympic Lifts

Snatch and Clean & Jerk. These two movements offer great all-around benefits and will help you build lean muscle mass.

Tips: Don’t try to perform these exercises on your own. These lifts require a coach’s guidance to make sure that you’re performing them correctly! Otherwise, they can be dangerous. If you don’t have access to an instructor to learn the proper form, take the time to self-teach before attempting with weights.

Weighted Pull-Ups

This exercise will help you build the entire upper body, particularly muscles in the backshoulders, and arms. It can also improve your grip strength!

You may use: Best CrossFit Gloves and Grips – 2021 Reviews

Tips: Keep in mind that these are pretty advanced moves, so take it easy when you’re just starting. Try holding a dumbbell between your feet to add some weight, or use a resistance band placed around the pull-up bar to make it easier to complete this movement.

CrossFit Weight Lifting Programs

Weighted Push-Ups

This exercise will help you build strength while sculpting muscles in your arms and chest. It’s a great way to work your triceps, deltoids, and pecs.

Tips: If you’re a beginner in this area, try holding a dumbbell between your feet or placing a weight plate on your back to add some resistance.

Use these for your workout: A Guide to the Best Push Up Bars in 2021

Weighted Dips

This exercise is also an excellent way to burn fat and build muscle in the chest, arms, shoulders, and lower back.

Tips: Add resistance by holding a dumbbell between your feet or placing a weight plate on your lap. You can also use suspension straps like these to make dips easier (or more complicated if you’re up for the challenge!).

Barbell Squats

This is arguably one of the best exercises there is! It’s an excellent way to build lower body strength, especially in your quadriceps.

Tips: Use a weight belt when holding heavy weights on your shoulders to keep your back straight and avoid injury. When you’re starting, use the bar only as support before trying to place the total load on your shoulders.

CrossFit Weight Lifting Programs

Weighted Lunges

This is another excellent exercise for building lean muscle mass in the legs. These are especially good to do after squats!

Tips: Try using dumbbells or kettlebells to add some resistance when performing these.

Partner-Resisted Sled Drags

This is one of the best core exercises you can try, and it’s also an excellent way to build strength and endurance in your legs.

Tips: This exercise is pretty advanced, so it’s best to use a weight sled on a grassy or sand surface until you get the hang of it. Also, keep in mind that you’ll need someone to help push the sled!

Weighted Russian Twists

This exercise will add some resistance to your ab workout to help you slim down your waistline. It’s also great for toning muscles in the lower back.

Tips: Keep it slow and controlled, especially when beginning this exercise.

CrossFit Weight Lifting Programs

Weighted Bosu Ball Planks

This is an advanced exercise that targets several muscle groups, including the shoulders, arms, back, abs, and glutes.

Tips: Keep your spine as straight as possible throughout this exercise! This will help you engage the proper muscles without over-stressing your back.

Weighted Bird Dogs

This is an excellent exercise for beginners to build strength and protect against injury during weightlifting workouts. It’s also an excellent workout for the glutes, legs, shoulders, and abs.

Tips: Keep your eye on the hand that’s reaching the sky throughout this exercise. This will help you keep your balance stronger!

CrossFit Weight Lifting Programs

Weighted Superman

This exercise will help you strengthen your back muscles and develop overall stability.

Tips: Start with a low weight to avoid hurting yourself. If it’s too complicated, use a towel or mat to make the push-up easier!

Barbell Roll Outs

Another excellent core strengthening exercise targets the abs, obliques, and lower back.

Tips: Be sure to keep your lower back pressed firmly into the floor throughout this exercise! This will protect against injury and ensure that you’re getting a good workout.

Weighted Side Planks

This is an excellent exercise for targeting muscles in the chest, shoulders, arms, abs, obliques, and thighs.

Tips: Keep your eye on the hand that’s reaching out to the side throughout this exercise. This will help you keep your balance!

CrossFit Weight Lifting Programs

Weighted Glute Bridges

This is an advanced exercise that should only be used by experienced athletes looking for a challenge. It’s also great for targeting muscles in the thighs, shoulders, and lower back.

Tips: Keep your hips as still as possible throughout this exercise-this will help you build your glutes instead of your thighs!

Weighted Hip Bridges

This is another excellent exercise targeting the glutes, abs, hamstrings, and lower back. It’s also an excellent exercise to perform during ab workouts!

Tips: Keep your eyes on the weights throughout this exercise-this will help you keep your balance!

Weighted Superman Twists

This is another advanced core strengthening exercise that’s great for building strength and endurance.

Tips: Start with a low weight to avoid hurting yourself. If it’s too complicated, use a towel or mat to make the push-up easier!

CrossFit Weight Lifting Programs

Partner-Assisted Pull-ups

This is an excellent exercise for building muscle in the back, shoulders, arms, and abs.

Tips: Try to keep your legs as straight as you can throughout this exercise. This will help you engage your core muscles even more!

Weighted Side Planks with Chains

This exercise is a great way to add intensity to your ab workout. It’s also an excellent way to target the chest, shoulders, arms, abs, and legs muscles.

Tips: Keep your eye on the hand that’s reaching towards the sky throughout this exercise. This will help you keep your balance!

Weighted Reverse Crunches

This is another great, simple exercise for targeting the abs.

Tips: Keep your lower back pressed firmly into the floor throughout this exercise! This will protect against injury and ensure that you’re getting a good workout.

CrossFit Weight Lifting Programs


Weightlifting is a great way to increase muscle mass, boost metabolism, and improve overall health. However, if you’re new to this activity, it can be challenging to know where to start. The article has provided some exercises for beginners that will help build strength and protect against injury during weightlifting workouts-try one out!

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